Hi there!

Welcome to my website, it’s wonderful to have you :)

I created this space to share my various creative endeavours. Most of this is the art I make, but also the books I read, performances, occasional open letters home (aka blog), costumes I’ve made, etc.

In case you don’t know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Zephyr Spring. Zephyr, as the wind, not Sapphire, as the gemstone. My pronouns are they/them in English, no pronouns or sier/ihrm in German. I am based in Vienna, Austria. Austria is my fourth country, I previously lived in Scotland, The Netherlands, and Hungary. I am queer, trans, an immigrant, and chronically ill – I share these labels to give you some idea of the lens through which I experience the world, which in turn influences the art I make along with everything else I do. I have a background in costume design for film and theatre, I received my degree from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, in 2018. If you are interested in my previous work with costumes, you can find it on the costumes page. However, I stepped away from this field several years ago, so don’t hold your breath for any updates :) Since then, I have been focusing on painting which I plan to continue. You can take a look at my current project, Body and Pain, and my previous one, I (don’t) want to die.

Happy browsing!

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